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February 5, 2008

             Education is the root of all attainable achievement in life. An uneducated mind is like a living corpse says TAI SOLARIN. Education is a process of teaching, training and learning especially in schools and colleges and also to improve knowledge and develop skills.  The United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) 2 is based on how to achieve Universal Basic Primary education and its target by 2015, is that children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling. Could this ever be possible?   Also, the article 28 on the convention on the right of a child is of the view that primary education should be made compulsory and available free to all. It also emphasizes the development of different forms of education including general and vocational education; make them available and accessible to every child.  Take appropriate measures such as the introduction of free education and offering financial assistance in case of need.   Education is the only property a child can be bequeathed says my Mother. Education goes a long way in the proper development and upbringing of a child. It is also the tool in the hand of the diligent. Once... [More]

Tags: written by whyte ibidapo

Posted at: 08:45 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

What do you Know?

January 30, 2008

 Written By:Samuel kayode Akinbo

“I know that I don’t know

All that I needed to know

 If must answer What do you know?

 I must be ready to learn” by Idowu Amore

 In the world today children, youth and adult didn’t know all that they needed to know. And human being whom in an old age does not acquire another knowledge is half-Baked and the main problem of this issue is cultural problem. Cultural problem is a problem that even affect alot of people the litrate,half-litrate and the Illitrat.

 A lot of people don’t even know when their parents met, and get pregnant to invite them into this world, if these parents refuse to tell their children how they met, give them the best morals and sex education for example,these children might get these information from another source and these information may have negative impart in their lives.

Secondly some parent says their children ask too much questions and this spirit of asking question is being flushed  out from them, I must confess they are flushing talents greatness and brighter future out of this wonderful child. With these am scolding the children that they shouldn’t stop asking questions and if there...


Tags: samuel k akinbo

Posted at: 05:57 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

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